Get Paid $3k a Month to Test Out and Critique Weed, CBD, Edibles and More!

Hey FAM, does this sound like you? I came across this article on and thought I'd share...

Lovers of writing, vlogging and marijuana can apply for a new gig up for grabs from a marijuana research magazine. American Marijuana, an online magazine focusing on medical marijuana, is looking for a marijuana critic and willing to pay them $3,000 a month. Candidates must be willing to review a plethora of products including weed, vapes, edibles and CBD oils each month and live in Canada or a region of the U.S. where medical marijuana is legal. The job entails critiquing cannabis products in written blog posts and on camera. Candidates can work from home too — all products are will be shipped in a box each month to the critic. WOW!!!

You can apply here.

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