The Portland Water Bureau has released its annual water quality report.
Portland’s drinking water comes from two high-quality sources, which are the two largest drinking water sources in the state: the Bull Run Watershed and the Columbia South Shore Well Field. This report includes all detections of known health-related contaminants detected in 2022. If a known health-related contaminant is not listed in this report, it was not detected in our drinking water.
Water Bureau Director Gabriel Solmer says, "When I see the headlines from around the region and around the world about limited access to clean, safe water, I’m reminded how fortunate we are here in the Portland area to have some of the best drinking water in the world. It’s not by luck, but the result of decades of careful planning and ongoing investment in projects designed to keep our water safe and accessible.”
One important step is bringing a new Bull Run Treatment filtration facility online in 2027. Construction on the facility is expected to begin this fall. But the work doesn’t stop with its completion.
“We must stay vigilant by replacing aging pipes, pumps, and valves; by protecting the Bull Run Watershed and our groundwater system,” said Solmer. “We are also committed to evolving our operations to respond to climate change and reduce our carbon footprint.”